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"Knock Knock Doc" (My Science Work) Season 1( #7) : Cocktail passions (2013)

Arthur continues his portraits of young researchers with a 7th interview: Stéphanie Longet. Passing through Paris, she meets with Arthur to tell him all about her fundamental research in the field of immunology and its potential pharmaceutical applications.

“It's not a job, it's a passion.” A new encounter, a new thesis subject, and a new passion. Stéphanie Longet is a PhD candidate in immunology of intestinal bacteria. She is doing her PhD in Switzerland, thanks to the funding of a pharmaceutical company that believes in the potential applications of her research. Stéphanie is an uncomplicated and passionate young woman. For her, there's no distinction between her research work and her everyday-life passions, even if she knows that, in research, there is a great deal of work to do. How does Arthur feel meeting these young people so devoted to scientific research?

Arthur rencontre Stéphanie L., doctorante en immunologie à Lausanne sur le rôle des anticorps des Immunoglobulines A (SIgA). Ses applications peuvent être nombreuses et intéressent de nombreux laboratoires pharmaceutiques. Stéphanie L. est une jeune femme de 26 ans passionnée par ses recherches mais aussi par la musique. Son rêve "avoir dans 10 ans un groupe de recherche".

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